West Yost’s Leading Experts Share Knowledge at CWEA AC22 Annual Conference, April 11 – 14, Sacramento, CA

California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Annual Conference AC22 is around the corner
West Yost is excited to be sponsoring, facilitating, and presenting at CWEA’s Annual Conference, AC22. Join us and our team members.
Conference Website, to register and learn more
Presentation and Workshops
Workshop: Process-based Energy Strategies to Enhance Reliability
Overview: Using a data-driven system-level process optimization strategy can help guide water system operators through the integration of technology, science, policy, and culture change to enhance the efficacy and efficiency of treatment processes, improving the reliability and resilience of the whole system. The first session will introduce participants to a set of self-assessment tools designed to evaluate high opportunity priority areas for energy and reliability improvements in the collection system, through the treatment process, and in the effluent storage and pumping strategies.
Day: Monday, April 11, 2022
Time: 10:00AM – 4:00PM PST
West Yost Facilitators and Speakers:
- James Ferro, Project Developer
- Wyatt L. Troxel, Process Specialist
- Douglas O’Brien, Technical Specialist
Workshop: Effective Collection System Management
Overview: Whether you’re on the frontlines, managing a team, or assisting agencies as a consultant, this workshop will help any collection system professional expand their knowledge and skills and provide new tools that you can bring back to your own practice.
Day: Monday, April 11, 2022
Time: 10:00AM – 4:00PM PST
West Yost Facilitators & Speakers:
- Anne Girtz, PE, Senior Engineer
- Michael Zacharia, PE, Principal Engineer
Workshop: Electrical O&M – The Shocking Info Every Operator Should Know
Overview: Build on your existing knowledge of safely operating and maintaining electrical equipment. This workshop will focus on two NFPA standards, 70B – Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance and 820 – Standard for Fire Protection in Wastewater Treatment and Collection Facilities.
Day: Monday, April 11, 2022
Time: 10:00AM – 4:00PM PST
West Yost Facilitators & Speakers:
- Laureano Brown, PE, Electrical Engineer
- Kenny Smith, Senior Technical Specialist
CUWA’s DEI Toolkit: Catalyzing Change
Overview: COVID-19 and recent social events have highlighted longstanding health and economic disparities for marginalized communities. This session will describe how water agencies are strengthening their efforts to address systemic racism, promote equity, and catalyze change through the development of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Toolkit.
Day: Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Time: 10:10AM – 11:00AM PDT
West Yost Facilitator: Kathryn Gies, PE, Engineering Manager
Neurodiversity Employment Programs: Appreciating the Dandelions
Overview: Public employers are losing ground in hiring and retaining the next generation of workers. Outdated recruitment and hiring practices can discourage individuals with neurodivergent conditions from applying or completing the process. This session will broaden your understanding of Neurodiversity and discuss best practices for a neuro-inclusive workplace environment.
Day: Tuesday, April 12
Time: 11:15AM – 12:05PM PDT
West Yost Facilitator: Kathryn Gies, PE, Engineering Manager
Energy Savings and Increased BOD Removal Through Improved Aeration Basin Blower Control
Overview: Energy savings and increased BOD removal through improved aeration basin blower control. This was accomplished by adding Kurz thermal mass air flow meters, ABB TZIDs, Kinetrols, and Dezurik valves to the Aeration tanks in one of two of our Bio-Nutrient Removal (BNR2) systems.
Day: Wednesday, April 13
Time: 8:30AM – 9:20AM PDT
West Yost Facilitator: Kathryn Gies, PE, Engineering Manager
Highly optimized nutrient removal through multi-level cascade aeration control system
Overview: In a major WWTF upgrade to improve nitrogen removal and reliability, the BNR system was implemented with a combination of mixer/aerators and valve control that provides efficient and accurate DO. The results are low BOD and TSS as well as <3 mg/L for Total Nitrogen without carbon or alkalinity addition.
Day: Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Time: 9:30AM – 10:20AM PDT
West Yost Facilitator: Kathryn Gies, PE, Engineering Manager
Aeration System Upgrade to Improve Efficiencies while Simultaneously Removing Nutrients
Overview: This presentation will focus on the aeration equipment evaluation at DCLTSA’s plant upgrades project. Aeration equipment was selected for its relative operational ease, cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency. The presentation will focus on the overall project approach, the equipment evaluation, and the project execution.
Day: Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Time: 11:00AM – 11:50AM PDT
West Yost Facilitator: Kathryn Gies, PE, Engineering Manager
Remote Connection: A Discussion of Keeping Mid- and Entry-Level Staff Engaged
Overview: Participants will come away a better understanding of the benefits of remote work for different staff levels staff, the limitations of remote work, particularly for entry- and mid-level staff, and tools to improve mentorship between staff members. Results of a company-wide survey of West Yost staff on remote working will also be presented.
Day: Thursday, April 14, 2022
Time: 8:30AM – 9:20AM PDT
West Yost Presenters & Facilitators:
- Charles Hardy, PE, Senior Engineer
- Kambria Tiano, PE, Senior Engineer
Getting More Out of Existing Treatment Infrastructure
Overview: This paper presents three case studies that provide practical, cost-effective solutions for optimizing plant operations, addressing new discharge limits, and rehabilitating aging infrastructure.
Day: Thursday, April 14, 2022
Time: 9:30 – 10:20AM PDT
West Yost Speakers:
- William Schilling, PE, Principal Engineer
- Charles Hardy, PE, Senior Engineer
Permitting Basics for Recycled Water, Wastewater, and Biosolids Discharges to Land
Overview: This session will provide an overview of the State’s Waste Discharge Requirement (WDR) permitting process for discharges to land. The talk will provide a discussion of the existing General WDRs that are used to regulate the wastewater industry and highlight some of the key features of site-specific WDRs.
Day: Thursday, April 14, 2022
Time: 9:30AM – 10:20AM PDT
West Yost Speaker: Kathryn Gies, PE, Engineering Manager
Making a Site-Specific Biosolids Land Application and Reuse Permit Work for You
Overview: Participants will come away understanding practical approaches to site-specific land application permits that have been successful for several Central Valley communities. Participants will also be able to identify common pitfalls to avoid, appropriate biosolids monitoring requirements, and strategies for managing runoff to avoid unnecessary biosolids containment requirements.
Day: Thursday, April 14, 2022
Time: 10:55AM – 11:20AM PDT
West Yost Speaker: Charles Hardy, PE, Senior Engineer