Utilities Preparing for the Future Implement Cybersecurity Today

California-Nevada Section of the American Water Works Association Cybersecurity Workshops
Our Operations Technology, Cybersecurity, and Resilience team worked with AWWA to develop training about methods for utility owners to assess their control system architectures and technology assets against national standards and best practices for secure operation.
This training is available by request. Attendees will learn how to use the AWWA Cybersecurity Guidance Tool, formally known as the Process Control Security System Guidance for the Water Sector.
Consider this training if you are interested in:
- discovering ways to prevent and repel cybersecurity attacks,
- strengthening system weaknesses, or
- discovering gaps within cybersecurity coverage.
Cybersecurity Workshop Details
The five modules in this training is led by Daniel Groves, PE, ENV SP, CISSP, and Joel Cox, CCNA, GPEN. Dan and Joel are Operational Technology (OT) cybersecurity experts, who routinely conduct system assessments and design and implement system performance improvements for resilience against cyber-threats. They have experience planning, designing, and implementing OT systems in water and wastewater infrastructure. For an example flyer from a prior training, please click here.
To request this training for your team, contact Andrew Ohrt, PE, ERMCP, J100