We are West Yost
30 Years of Service to our Communities
We believe as an organization, that our leadership is here to support our consultants and our clients. This gives the West Yost team a unified purpose and creates a place to support our remarkable team. When we asked our West Yost team how to best mark the occasion of our 30th anniversary, we received an overwhelming response in favor of contributing to local food banks. This commitment to helping out our local communities speaks to the dedication and desire our team has in making a difference where we live and work. Here are the organizations we have supported this year:
- Feeding America
- MESA USA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science, Achievement), Arizona, California, and Oregon
- 30 Food Banks across Arizona, California, and Oregon
- California Fire Foundation
- Square Root Academy
- American Red Cross, Oregon Chapters
- Tree Davis
- Water for People
- Soroptimist International
Our Team
West Yost supports celebrations of our corporate accomplishments, recognizing individual achievements, and getting to know each other and our family members outside of the office setting.

We Have Fun!
Office activities
We enjoy celebrations in appreciation of our team throughout the year. For example, we treated our team to #TakeoutTuesday in the comfort of their own homes, in support of the high-quality products we deliver daily to our clients.
We host annual events such as our Annual All Staff meeting which concludes with our Duck Dinner which is a nod to our founders Bruce West and Jim Yost (who decided to form the firm while duck hunting).
- Concerts by our house band: Water Hammer (listen here!)
- Lunch and Learns
- Oktoberfest Celebrations
- Camp Sacramento
- Engineers Week
- End of the Year Party
- Spotlight on Innovation
- Cocktail hours (Wine Club Wednesday)
- Takeout Tuesday
- Holiday Raffle
- Netflix and Discuss
- River Rafting
- Book Club
- Pi Day
- Summer BBQs and Picnics
- Administrative Professionals Day Luncheon
- Chili Cookoff
- Massage Chair Day
- Breakfast at Work

We Strive to Become our Best
Greg Smith, Senior Technical Specialist I on the OTCR team, received his PE License while at West Yost
I love my job. It is both challenging and collaborative. I am so thankful to my West Yost colleagues for their support to set up a location in our office that served as a study area. This area provided the quiet time I needed to prepare for my PE exam and attend my online review courses. The supportive culture within West Yost has allowed me to maintain family commitments while working towards my professional goals, including acquiring my Professional Engineering license.

Greg Smith, PE
Senior Technical Specialist I, OTCR TeamWe Take Ownership
Our commitment to our clients and mentoring and serving teammates is inspiring. It makes West Yost a great place to work.

We Believe in Quality
Jeff Pelz was Employee #2 and we just celebrated 30 years with him!
In 2020, we were honored to celebrate Jeff Pelz’s 30th anniversary. As Chair of the Board and one of the longest tenured leaders, Jeff continues to inspire staff and solve challenging problems for our long-standing clients. We are proud to have nearly a dozen employees who have been with West Yost for over 20 years and have onboarded over 75 in the past two years. We look forward to celebrating more milestone anniversaries with our team members.

- Annual All Staff Meeting
- Annual Duck Dinner
- End of Year Celebrations
- Camp Sacramento Trip
- River Rafting
- Monthly Anniversary Announcements
- Spotlight on Innovation

Special Teams
- Young Professionals (YPs)
- Middlers (for mid-level professionals)
- Wellness Group
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Volunteerism
We Do What’s Right
West Yost reinforces sustainability by promoting business and project delivery practices that are beneficial to the environment. Some of our core values speak to this as the highest of priorities:
We Support Our Communities
We Do What’s Right
We See the Bigger Picture
West Yost brings vast wastewater treatment plant experience and is deeply experienced in biosolids management and cogeneration. We continuously design our structures for construction efficiency to shorten construction schedules and reduce overall energy consumption.
West Yost brings vast wastewater treatment plant experience and is deeply experienced in biosolids management and cogeneration. We continuously design our structures for construction efficiency to shorten construction schedules and reduce overall energy consumption.
West Yost has worked with several clients to evaluate their projects through the Envision Framework rating process and were successful in obtaining LEED Silver certification for a $90M wastewater treatment plant upgrade project for the City of Davis, California.
Environmental Impact
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Conserve
To minimize water waste and eliminate single-use plastics, West Yost provides reusable water bottles and mugs, equip offices with filtered water systems and reusable or compostable kitchenware, and install low-flow toilets. Toxic cleaners are minimized to lessen environmental impact. Paper use is reduced through electronic document management, and recycling is promoted for various materials.
Composting and Local Office Sustainability Measures
Each office is equipped with composting bins and instructions to reduce landfill food waste. West Yost facilitates the recycling of e-waste, batteries, and coffee pods. Energy-efficient appliances, motion sensors for lights, and programmed HVAC systems help reduce energy use. We support sustainable commuting options, remote work to cut down on travel, and place offices strategically to minimize commute distances. All staff use VPN-enabled laptops for efficient remote collaboration, significantly reducing our carbon footprint.
Article – City Council Awarded West Yost for Stewardship in Sustainability
Stretch your wings with us!
Available Positions
Associate Engineer, Water System Planning
This position may fill a wide variety of roles by assisting with: project planning, scoping, and proposal preparation; project…
Sr / Principal Engineer – Large Diameter Pipeline
A Principal Engineer in Infrastructure Design is responsible for engaging with clients and staff on technical issues associated with pipeline infrastructure and pump station infrastructure projects that can include water, wastewater, recycled water and stormwater conveyance. The Principal Engineer wins, manages, and engages in project work from project planning stages, preliminary design, design, and support services during construction.
Principal Engineer – Treatment
The Principal Engineer we are seeking will have the desire to drive our capabilities to new heights in Northern California by working directly with clients and team members. This leader would have strong experience in capturing and delivering projects, developing and/or nurturing client relationships, and mentoring and managing staff. This position will provide valuable support to the Treatment Business Sector Manager.