West Yost prepared a Water Supply Master Plan using an integrated approach for water supply planning that addresses demand management, supply management, and infrastructure master planning. This project involves ongoing coordination with the City’s advisory committee to hear and comment on the plan at each stage of development, from analysis of demands and projections regarding future conservation to development of modeling scenarios and recommendations.
Establishing accurate demands served as the baseline for informed decision making and included addressing the challenges associated with tracking demand allocation by land use, identifying demand offsets that could shave peaks by taking large non-potable users off the “water grid”, and addressing the limited amount of meter information available. The demand management planning also focused on conservation.
West Yost’s update of the City’s hydraulic model in InfoWater® was used to identify infrastructure needs to address current system deficiencies and future supply opportunities. Peak hour pressures in outer areas of the City, and changes in Title 22 pressure requirements were also addressed.
Previous water planning work completed by West Yost for the City of Sacramento included completing a comprehensive water master plan update for the City that included the development of base maps for the City’s water system and associated land uses; detailed field inventory of existing water facilities; documentation of existing demands and projection of future demands at build out of the general plan at two intermediate points; and developing and calibrating a computerized hydraulic network model (using H2OMAP).
The model was used to analyze system deficiencies and a recommended capital improvement plan. The Water Master Plan included integration of information from the City’s GIS, previously developed hydraulic models, and City staff knowledge and experience creating an updated 16,000 pipeline hydraulic model using the H2OMAP modeling software.