West Yost Welcomes Les Chau, BCES to the Team!

Mr. Les Chau, BCES, brings 30 years of project management and business development experience to lead the multi-state Water Sector business unit with the new paradigm of climate and water nexus.
As a practicing hydrogeologist, our clients and team will benefit from his extensive consulting experience in water resource studies, water quality compliance projects, and water infrastructure asset management. Les brings with him knowledge garnered by completing numerous large-scale conjunctive use projects. These include Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA)-related sustainable water planned projects, and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance investigations.
Mr. Chau explains, “I am passionate and prudently optimistic in contributing my 30 years of water consulting experience to addressing California’s water and climate issues. I have been aware of the changing climate and its impacts on water supply since 2004. More than ever, the need is to maintain reliable water infrastructure and manage our precious water resources.”
When asked about his goals, he says, “I am thrilled to work with my colleagues in diverse areas of practice to focus on the One Water paradigm to advance the integrated and sustainable uses of “all water”. We are on the advent of technology with thirsts to nurture the political will of Californians to find and manage “new water”. Lastly, we want to be a voice for safe drinking water for the underrepresented communities and reliable water supply to grow food!”