Aerial image from the Portland Water Bureau's Washington Park construction site showing cement preparation and pouring with a large construction crew

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We move water from where nature put it to where people need it!

Washington Park construction site image showing pillars built underground for Portland Water Bureau
City of Portland 12 MG water storage reservoir.

Infrastructure Services

Innovative solutions for storage, conveyance and collection from client-focused designers and engineers

West Yost’s Infrastructure team works in unison with our planning, treatment, OTCR and construction management staff to deliver designs that not only meet client objectives, but also consider safety, risk, and long-term, system-wide viability. We listen and collaborate with system owners and their staff, so that our designs are informed by a comprehensive project understanding, conform to client standards, and are readily constructible. Our methodology employs innovative practices, such as consequence-driven cyber-informed engineering, and constructability reviews early in the design process to deliver the highest value project for our clients.

Over the past 30 years, our infrastructure experts have designed 100 storage facilities, pump and lift stations of every type and size, and more than 150 miles of large and small pipelines. We also excel at facility assessments and rehabilitation design; allowing clients to extend the life of their system components and best prioritize infrastructure spending. Whether you are planning or operating a water, recycled water, sewer, or combined collection system, the West Yost Infrastructure team is ready to provide solutions to meet your community’s needs and growth.

Project Highlights

View of hillside showing the route a pipeline will go from a post on one hill to the top of a ridge on the next hill
The pipeline connects at this blue post and at the tank which is at the other end of these electrical lines over the ridge.

Sweeney Ridge

City of San Bruno

West Yost is designing upgrades and repairs to a water tank and pipelines for the City of San Bruno, California. The steel pipeline is 70 years old and in a hard to access area with steep slopes that can exceed 30% and covered in poison oak. Fixing leaks on this pipeline has proved to be very difficult for City staff, and a major failure of this pipeline would be problematic for the City. The 70 year old steel water tank has experienced severe corrosion from proximity to the Pacific Ocean.

Riverfront Interceptor sewer installation, trench in the middle of a street with pipeline lowered in

Riverfront Interceptor Sewer Lift Station and Forcemain Project

City of Albany

In 2019, West Yost provided predesign, design, and construction services for a new wet weather lift station and force main and for rehabilitating the Riverfront Interceptor for the City of Albany, Oregon. The Riverfront Interceptor is the primary pipeline that conveys wastewater from the City to the Water Reclamation Facility. It ranges from 30 to 54 inches, is a deep pipeline, and is very close to both the Willamette River and to an active railroad line. The forcemain and lift station are used to bypass the interceptor during peak wet weather flows. This bypass and rehabilitation resolved problems with sanitary sewer overflows into the Willamette River and was less costly than replacing the interceptor.

Photo of the culvert with Mission Creek, which the new pipeline will cross
The Driscoll Mains Renewal project will replace more than 7,000 feet of water mains for the Alameda County Water District and will cross the Mission Creek

Driscoll Main Renewal

Alameda County Water District

Pipelines in the Alameda County Water District are nearing the end of their useful lives and need replacement. There are also portions of the conveyance system that will be upsized to better provide water service to customers and reduce transmission inefficiencies. West Yost is designing more than seven thousand feet of new water mains, which includes a crossing of Mission Creek, and will provide bid support and construction services. Construction is scheduled to begin in April 2021.

Sycamore and Agua Mansa Lift Stations

City of Rialto

West Yost is designing upgrades to increase the sewer capacity in two regions of the City of Rialto to support new development. The Sycamore Lift Station will have upgrades to increase capacity from 450 gallons per minute to 560 gallons per minute and the Agua Mansa Lift Station will increase capacity almost six-fold from 250 gpm to 1,470 gpm. The project included a condition assessment in order to determine the existing condition of the wet wells at each lift station and the condition and capacity of existing electrical equipment to support the expansions.

Agua Mansa lift station site photo
Construction team at the opening to the sewer system with electrical panel open

Highlands ARD (4/5) Sewer Relief

Sacramento Area Sewer District

West Yost is designing over 14,000 feet of force main and gravity sewers to provide relief to the existing sewer system that is currently experiencing flows above what was originally designed. West Yost is also designing a replacement lift station. West Yost has been working on this project since the project development/predesign phase and will provide bid support and construction support services.

Glenview Water Storage Tank 3

City of San Bruno

West Yost provided design and support during construction for a 2.0 MG prestressed concrete tank with a dome roof to replace a 60-year old concrete tank. The project site is located within 300 feet of the San Andreas Fault and sits between two faults just north and east of the tank. This tank is a critical component in the City’s day-to-day operation of its water supply system and provides emergency fire storage.

Image of Glenview tank construction site being prepared with engineered fill reinforced with several layers of geogrid
This critical piece of infrastructure is adjacent to the San Andreas Fault and is supported on engineered fill reinforced with several layers of geogrid.

Team Spotlight

Corie Moolenkamp, PE

Infrastructure Business Sector Leader

Robert Reid, PE

Tank and Pump Station Practice Area Lead, Principal Engineer II

Insights & Trainings

West Yost is an Equal Opportunity Employer

EEO Policy