Highlights of 100 Years of Advances in Public Water Supplies

Article by West Yost’s Craig Thompson in CA-NV Section, AWWA’s The Source

West Yost’s Craig Thompson, PE, BCEE, recently submitted an article 100 Years of Advances in Public Water Supplies to the Section’s Source Magazine. It is an historical review of the past century of advances in drinking water regulations, treatment, and improvements in treated water quality.
In 100 years, the advancement of healthy water resources is remarkable. Craig compares where we are now to the level of expertise before the Section was first formed in 1920. He includes context of the times and predecessor organizations to the State of California’s current Division of Drinking Water, such as the State of California Board of Health, created in 1850, and Bureau of Sanitary Engineering created in 1915. This article is a precursor of information that will be presented during the Section’s 100th Anniversary Conference in the Fall.
Craig Thompson, PE, BCEE is a Principal Engineer at West Yost and served as the California-Nevada Section of AWWA Treasurer, on the Section’s Board of Directors and was the Section’s former Safe Drinking Water Act Committee and Water Quality Division chair.
For more information, contact Craig at cthompson@westyost.com