New Employee Spotlight: Tom Morris

Groundwater Program Continues to Grow, Tom Morris Joins the Groundwater Practice Area

Tom Morris joined West Yost’s Water Business Sector as a technical specialist in groundwater. He is an expert in aquifer storage and recovery and is responsible for many of the advanced methods of well construction, engineering design, and operation utilized today to store water in groundwater aquifers. He specializes in groundwater hydraulics, facility design, geochemistry, control logic, and operation of production and recharge wells.
He spent 16 years with the Las Vegas Valley Water District developing and operating the largest groundwater recharge program in the nation. The district has more than 100 production wells and utilized up to 66 of them for recharge. His methods have been applied in 17 states and 10 other countries.
Tom leads our client workshop on groundwater well performance. Click here for more information about Groundwater Wellness: Monitoring and Improving Municipal Well Performance Workshops.