New Employee Spotlight: Timothy Banyai, PE

Timothy Banyai Joins Wastewater Treatment Practice Area

Timothy Banyai, PE, has joined the Treatment Business Sector as a principal engineer in our Walnut Creek, California, office. He is an experienced project manager and design engineer with over 25 years of experience with treatment plant and infrastructure projects. His treatment expertise includes facility planning and design for secondary process improvements, digesters, primary and secondary clarifiers, aeration systems, and dewatering and solids handling systems.
Tim has completed over two dozen lift station projects for new pumping facilities and for the rehabilitation, replacement, or expansion of existing facilities. He also has experience as an operator and laboratory technician for a wastewater treatment plant. This experience provided insights he incorporates into the design for successful construction-phase sequencing, testing and start-up, and operations and maintenance. Tim has prepared State Revolving Fund (SRF) applications and managed SRF-funded projects.