West Yost is providing construction management and inspection services on the $300 million Tertiary Treatment Facility at the Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant as part of the $1.5 billion EchoWater project.
The facility is comprised of a Filter Influent Pump Station, Granular Media Filters, and Disinfection Contact Basins. It will have the capacity to filter up to 240 mgd of secondary effluent in a process which will convert the wastewater to Title 22 recycled water and will be used to supplement the need for water for agricultural areas of the southern portions of Sacramento County via the upcoming Harvest Water Project. Included in the project will be a new state-of-the-art control center, chemical storage and feed systems, a backwash system, and power supply facilities. The project is expected to be completed by December 2022.
Team Spotlight

Calvin Yocom
Resident Inspector (Group 2)

Calvin Yocom
Resident Inspector (Group 2)
“After working for many years in construction I now provide quality assurance inspections to ensure projects are built as intended. I like starting with a clean slate and ending with a finished project.
I like being part of the process. I’m proud that everybody benefits from the higher quality drinking water and river discharge water that our projects provide.”