West Yost designed a new 4-MG potable water storage tank and booster pump station for the City of Davis. Project components included a prestressed concrete tank, pump station building, chlorination facilities, perimeter fencing, landscaping, offsite utilities, and SCADA. Related issues included locating a potential cell tower on the tank site and providing for future delivery of treated surface water to the water storage tank.
The work included resolving site issues during preliminary design, preparing construction drawings and technical specifications, and providing engineering services during construction. Other important tasks included geotechnical investigation, potholing, soil improvement design, corrosion review, permitting, electrical power coordination, and security.
West Yost worked closely with the City to resolve a number of unique project issues including determining if competitive bidding between tank builders DYK and Natgun would be advantageous for this project. In addition, the site was very constrained by existing gas and power lines, private property, and the City’s Park-n-Ride lot. Configuring the tank and pump station on the site required design of a shoring system and a ground stabilization system based on rammed aggregate piers.