The Woodland Davis Clean Water Agency (Agency) and the City, in conjunction with West Yost, conducted an evaluation of ASR as a component of the overall water supply for the Davis Woodland Water Supply Project (DWWSP), designed the first ASR facility for the City, completed construction of the project, and have recently begun injection testing for the ASR well.
Well 28 is designed to enable its immediate use as a municipal supply well, independent of its ASR capabilities. Although the City’s groundwater often exceeds water quality standards, due to high concentrations of nitrates and naturally occurring metallic species (including arsenic, hexavalent chromium, manganese, and selenium), the new well draws water from three distinct zones.

When blended together, the supply provides source water that meets drinking water standards. In addition, the ASR capabilities will have long-term water quality benefits because, over time, injected water would replace impaired native groundwater with better-quality water. This could bring about water quality improvements in municipal wells within the vicinity of the ASR well.
The well is approximately 600 feet deep and has a 2,000 gpm production rate. The major components of the project include a 1,600 square foot concrete masonry building with separate rooms for the 150-hp well pump, electrical, a 275 kW standby generator, and chemical feed facilities. Special attention to aesthetics and noise control measures were incorporated into the design in response to the sensitivity of the site, located within a residential park (Freeman Park) and next to a motel.
The ASR Well 28, is a pivotal project, further increasing the community’s sustainable water supply and meeting both short- and long-term goals for the City