Award: 2016 CMAA Northern California Project Achievement Award

The Construction Management Association of America Northern California Chapter (CMAA NC Chapter) has announced West Yost Associates’ Construction Management Project for the City of Modesto’s Phase 2 Biological Nutrient Removal / Tertiary Treatment Project as the 2016 recipient of the Project Achievement Award for a public works project with a construction value greater than $25 million.
West Yost provided construction management services for the City of Modesto’s Phase 2 Biological Nutrient Removal/Tertiary Treatment Project (Project). The Phase 2 work included construction of a new advanced secondary treatment and tertiary treatment facility. This 12.6 mgd advanced treatment system employed biological nutrient removal (BNR) followed by membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology.
This project is one of the largest installations of membranes in North America for BNR Treatment and the first application of this size for a wastewater treatment plant.
The new facilities also include ultraviolet light disinfection and screening facilities, a new operations building, maintenance shop building, electrical building, aeration and membrane blower buildings, fine screening, chemical storage and influent and effluent pump stations. In addition, the Project included two miles of 36-inch tertiary effluent pipeline from the plant to the San Joaquin River. Prior to constructing the new facilities, an existing green waste composting facility had to be relocated because it was on the footprint of the new treatment facilities.
West Yost worked closely with the City of Modesto to implement extensive improvements under a compliance driven schedule and constructed within the fully operating treatment plant.
“The project team, consisting of City Staff, project designers, contract construction management team and contractor effectively collaborated to construct a complex project while monitoring good relations and an accelerated project schedule.” — William Wong, Utilities Department – Engineering Division Manager, City of Modesto
The CMAA Project Achievement Awards recognize excellence in Northern California projects–public works, transportation, and building projects in the public and private sectors. The CMAA NC Chapter recognizes owners, clients, construction management teams, architects, engineers, major partners, and contractors.
The winners will be presented with awards at the May 19, 2016 Annual Awards Gala at the Hyatt Regency in Sacramento.