West Yost’s Climate-Energy-Reliability (CER) service develops and delivers process-based energy solutions for our water sector clients. Our team is highly experienced in deploying solutions that combine emerging technologies with science-based engineering principles to reduce energy demands, improve mechanical system performance, and enhance the resilience of your water system.
Our core goal is to reduce our clients’ dependency on non-renewable resources through a transition to reliable and renewable resources.
To achieve exceptional results for our clients, we focus on the key mission-critical functions of reliability, resilience, and economy–through the energy lens.
Throughout the Western US, energy costs contribute disproportionately to high operating costs for water agencies. By improving the energy performance of assets and infrastructure, water agencies accelerate improvement in all other areas of operations and reduce the pain that poor energy performance causes.
In complex water systems, energy efficiency can be achieved in many ways—many of which are not obvious. Energy flows through the circuits, the machines and the processes at work throughout the enterprise. Energy is hidden in the chemicals and polymers used to treat and recycle water. Energy enables the movements and activities of people, trucks, and solids. It is embedded in the biological populations that are the prime movers in treatment, and it is embedded in the fluids that flow through the systems and are the focus of the mission.
West Yost can help optimize all areas of your enterprise reducing costs and improving resilience.