West Yost performed design services, bid support services, and construction support services to the City of Cottage Grove for the Row River Water Treatment Plant Expansion project. The project’s objective was to expand the water treatment plant’s capacity from 4 mgd to 6 mgd.
The design included hydraulic evaluation of the feed and finished water pump stations, evaluation of the existing membrane filtration system, addition of a membrane filtration treatment train, and upgrades to the electrical and control systems to support the expanded facilities. The team worked closely with the Cottage Grove staff and the membrane system supplier to identify operational and maintenance issues experienced with the existing membrane filtration system and to incorporate improvements to address these issues in the design.
Team Spotlight

Walt Meyer, PE
Engineering Manager II

Walt Meyer, PE
Engineering Manager II
“It is easy to find purpose in our profession as we work with communities to protect our most valuable resource, water. We are part of a team that provides safe drinking water, protects our aquifers and streams and plans for the future as this challenge gets increasingly more complex.
The City of Medford has been a client of mine for 40 years and we have worked together to successfully maintain an excellent water reclamation facility while also maintaining a strong relationship.”

Aileen Kondo, PE
Senior Engineer II

Aileen Kondo, PE
Senior Engineer II
“I was attracted to the water industry because I wanted to do work that helps people and meets a basic need. Everyone needs clean water! What I enjoy about our work is that it involves collaboration and problem solving. It is very rewarding working with others to develop solutions that help our clients provide safe water and sanitation to communities.
At West Yost, I enjoy work on projects that I have experience in, as well as opportunities to develop new skills. For instance, I was asked to support our team helping Valley Water with their AWIA Risk and Resilience Assessment by conducting a supply chain resilience assessment of their water treatment chemicals. Assessing chemical supply chain resilience was not something I had any exposure to before. I developed an approach for conducting the assessment, executed the approach with the support of others, and presented the results. It was a new area for me, but I enjoyed figuring out a process for the work and Valley Water was very pleased with the results!”